generative artist - "highly repetitive techniques and algorithmic procedures applied to restricted units such as lines on a page or pieces of metal."
Leon Reid on a well disguised can do daylight graffiti art without question
Love this work. Especially Turbine and Fractal scene. All code is GPL
Julien Maire réinvente la diapositive (ou plutôt la lanterne magique)
Découper des vinyles, monter comme un train électrique, faire de la musique
Stimulating creativity in the community through interactive workshops and performance
SomethingLabs is a hothouse for creatives that use technology as part of their practice. Within this shared studio space are like minded people, each working on their own and sometimes swap skills on collaborative projects. We aim to build the space into
llllllllllllllll (L16) est un collectif d’artistes et de designers qui expérimentent autour de l’interactivité.
Musique Post-Bourgeoise est un trio classique électronique de salon
Olivier Urman : textes paranoïaques dits au mégaphone
Constantin Leu : danseur contemporain, est le support visuel
Alban Lescuyer : fournit toute la musique avec un orgue de bal de
Painted subway tickets - Each one made one day in the subway the experiment of the glance of the other.