A Wordpress starter theme called _s, or underscores. A theme meant for hacking so don't use as a Parent Theme.
When those Wordpress (or else) theme CSS files take time to update in the browser. This should maybe be added to all themes.
Like the title says, regenarate Thumbnails after you've changed the settings (size) of it in the option-media.php panel.
The scroll kit plugin allows you to completely transform the visual appearance of an individual wordpress post or page.
This plugin lets you use images to replace the titles of your posts.
Basic is a stripped down theme for WordPress designed specifically as a bare-bones template on which to build other themes
Easily Adaptable WordPress Loop Templates
Plugins and techniques to strech the Wordpress Admin to new heights
PixGallery, automatically checks the actual size of your images agianst the width and height specified in your html and creates a cached thumbnail images based upon your desired image size and links the cached thumbnail it into your html code