BPG (Better Portable Graphics) is a new image format. Its purpose is to replace the JPEG image format when quality or file size is an issue. Its main advantages are:
The first Google (working) web crawler was written in Python.
BigPicture is like an infinite notepad, in which you can pan (north/south/east/west), but also in which you can ZOOM ! (Nearly) infinitely many times.
From naïve origins to the rise of cinematic realism: an account of graphical milestones in video games.
« […] Taiwanese use the function ‘like’ on Facebook much more frequently compared to UK Facebook users. »
Vivus is a little JavaScript class (little because it's lightweight and have no dependency) to make drawing animation with SVGs in a webpage.
2 uHbench fabriqués à Villars sur Var
ARGOPd is made of real-time sound and visual synthesis modules. A module is a Pure Data (Pd) patch. ARGOPd is for users who have never programmed with Pure Data.
« Pour les primates les plus évolués comme les chimpanzés, la course aux « amis » est essentielle, surtout pour ceux qui veulent devenir chef. Plus on compte d’amis, de soutiens, plus on a de chances d’accéder au pouvoir. C’est la règle, un primate seul, ne peut pas prendre le pouvoir. Donc le chimpanzé doit en permanence se comporter de manière à conquérir des voix.
Tous les moyens sont bons, séduction, coup de main en cas de difficulté, voire intimidation parfois… »
Roulette pivotante bleue pour flight case, avec frein.
Roulette pivotante à blocage total suiveur
« Avec le numérique, c'est comme avec la lithographie : il ne faut jamais se contenter de reproduire. C'est un outil pour réaliser quelque chose de neuf, de particulier » − Franck Bordas
Converting your PNG to an SVG which uses the compositing capabilites of SVG to create a masked bitmap on-the-fly using JPEGs for both the image and its mask - achieving most of the time a much better compression than PNG.
“I’ve made a bot that ‘likes’ everything on Facebook,” said Julien Deswaef, an artist and coder that I had just met in early 2012 during a workshop hosted by Marius Watz at iMal in Brussels. Marius was the big name at this event, however it was the lesser-known artists that really blew my mind that week, and Julien was one of them.
Erik H Zepka: « the definition of sacrilege is when Juego Requiem doesn't like any of his own comments »