Tupper's self-referential formula is a formula that, when graphed in two dimensions at a specific location in the plane, can be "programmed" to visually reproduce the formula itself.
« […] every day they picked a random blog-post somewhere on the Internet and used it as a discussion board for the day »
« A cg artist must make at least one Nyan Cat video! »
/via https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10203083726042123&id=157189304366315&stream_ref=10
The workshop Cryptography for Postcards introduces the basic principles of cryptography and cryptoanalysis with collaboratively created handmade ciphers and postcards.
Correspondance between pitch constellation and color wheel.
IdeaTorrent lets people submit their ideas, brainstorm them, and vote on them. The most popular ideas and requests are then easily assessable.
These are the director’s notes that are part of a funding application for a short film idea I have (see previous post) which employs my G-synth animation software.