C'est quoi cette typo? Ha tiens, ça, ça va m'aider....
opentype.js is an OpenType and TrueType font parser. It allows you to access the letterforms of text from the browser or node.js.
[Curtis] takes form in CSS. All shapes are rendered by the browser, using a combination of background color, border width, border radius, and a heavily reliance on absolute/relative positioning
BLOKK is a font for quick mock-ups and wireframing for clients who do not understand latin.
NextText is a Java/Processing library for building applications to display dynamic and interactive text-based applications. The library uses TrueType fonts to render text which moves and changes shape according to a set of rules. The programmer has full control over the text and the rules defining its behaviour.
Geomerative is a library for Processing. It extends 2D geometry operations to facilitate generative geometry. Includes a TrueType font and an SVG interpreters. This library exposes the shapes (such as vector drawings or typographies) in a more approchable way. Geomerative makes it easy to access the paths, the handles and the points, making it easy to develop generative typography and geometry pieces in Processing.
The struggle to adequately render letterforms on a pixel grid is a familiar one, and an ancient one as well: this bitmap alphabet is from La Vera Perfettione del Disegno di varie sorte di ricami, an embroidery guide by Giovanni Ostaus published in 1567.
What if a few digital type foundries gave away one good typeface as a gift to humanity?
n 1995 Microsoft released the font Comic Sans. The widespread abuse of this printed type threaten to erode the very foundations upon which centuries of typographic history are built.