A Wordpress starter theme called _s, or underscores. A theme meant for hacking so don't use as a Parent Theme.
low-cost, extensible, Python powered, machine vision module
Testing an HTTP Library can become difficult sometimes. RequestBin is fantastic for testing POST requests, but doesn't let you control the response. This exists to cover all kinds of HTTP scenarios.
Les insertions et suppressions sont indiquées en couleur, comme dans un logiciel de traitement de texte en mode de suivi des modifications.
Bref, un bot qui peut aider à assimiler certaines techniques de rédaction utilisées par un média de référence en langue française.
Compatible with Any Device, Natively Supported By Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Completely Open Source!
An academic examination of the visual culture of Mark Zuckerberg
Used in pioneering computer-graphics research, the Utah teapot has made cameos in Pixar’s Toy Story, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and “The Simpsons”