Les insertions et suppressions sont indiquées en couleur, comme dans un logiciel de traitement de texte en mode de suivi des modifications.
Bref, un bot qui peut aider à assimiler certaines techniques de rédaction utilisées par un média de référence en langue française.
Cuba has many faces. But one of its lesser known is how Cubans access this worldwide network of networks called The Internet. We do know Cubans have to go through hoops in order to do things that we take for granted elsewhere and thus have mastered the art of achieving great things with a limited access to resources. This presentation is an ongoing research, a picture of the wonders that shape the networking landscape of this island and a wake-on-LAN message to connect with the rest of us.
Watch Internet Society's NYC MESH - PROJECTS & IDEAS on Livestream.com. We will have a series of short presentations on community networks and related projects and ideas, followed by discussions.
Ingrid Burrington- networks.land;
Julien Deswaef- Cuba community network;
Rory Solomon- Battlemesh and European community networks;
Jesse Tane- network modeling with linux containers;
Daniela Perdomo- goTenna- technologies for off-grid and decentralized communications;
Oliver Reynolds- Filecoin.
Art Bot -Les galeries d'art contemporains sont infiltrées par un nouveau type d'envahisseurs : les bots, ces logiciels qui exécutent des opérations de manière autonome en imitant le comportement humain.
As a special guest of the LISTE Art Fair, HeK presents artists who utilise 3D modelling to explore the dialogue between the real and the virtual world.
HeK (House of electronic Arts Basel)
Exploiting the large database of user-created digital files within the online 3D-Printing community Thingiverse, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez & Julien Deswaef have created a bot that compiles the randomly selected files to produce improbable virtual sculptures. Similar to a modern-day cadaver exquis, these productions fall somewhere between fine art and electronic spam.
Algorithmic artbot Shiv Integer takes blueprints for 3D models, mashes them together into new shapes and then uploads them to the internet as new designs.
"How a Bot’s Bizarre, Useless Objects Became a 3D-Printing Controversy"
"At Libre Graphics Meeting 2016 in London, Julien Deswaef presented a talk exploring how Git can aid graphic designers and other artists in their daily processes, as well as pinpointing Git's shortcomings for that user community."
Illustration by Matthew Plummer-Fernandez and Julien Deswaef’s Shiv Intiger, which pulls freely licensed 3D-printing models and randomly meshes them together.
"Julien Deswaef presented a session on using distributed version control in design projects. […]". A nice wrap up by Nathan Willis of the Desgin With Git presentation at LGM13, Madrid
Un article de Madeleine Dembour avec interviews, entre autre, de Julien Deswaef et Mathieu Gabiot
Lightning talk about the uHbench at Media Lab Prado, Madrid during LGM13.
Sorry for the mix between ISO and patents, but the question remains.
Perspective with asperities - Noémie Goldberg & Julien Deswaef
"En écho à cette composition subtile, Julien Deswaef, dans un autre registre, a constitué une interprétation ludique et interactive de la démarche plastique de Noémie Goldberg en créant un jeu vidéo - Nogold - qui fait référence au surnom de l'artiste Noémie Goldberg. Il renvoie à la fois à la finalité d'un jeu vidéo (gagner des points et accumuler des bonus) et aborde la question du lien entre l'homme et les nouvelles technologies."