The Processing Screensavers is a kind of meta-screensaver. It allows you to run your Processing application as a Windows or Linux screensaver.
It uses the SaverBeans platform to launch a user configured Processing application.
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La loi de Benford, ou loi des nombres anormaux car elle est surprenante lorsqu'on la découvre : cette loi montre que dans une liste de nombre de donnée statistique (par exemple impôt sur le revenu), le 1er chiffre non nul le plus fréquent est 1, puis 2, qui lui-même est plus fréquent que 3, etc.
Alchemy is an open drawing project aimed at exploring how we can sketch, draw, and create on computers in new ways. Alchemy isn’t software for creating finished artwork, but rather a sketching environment that focuses on the absolute initial stage of the creation process.
OneSwarm is a new peer-to-peer tool that provides users with explicit control over their privacy by letting them determine how data is shared. Instead of sharing data indiscriminately, data shared with OneSwarm can be made public, it can be shared with friends, shared with some friends but not others, and so forth. We call this friend-to-friend (F2F) data sharing.
Utilisation de gouttières comme support pour planter des légumes
NextText is a Java/Processing library for building applications to display dynamic and interactive text-based applications. The library uses TrueType fonts to render text which moves and changes shape according to a set of rules. The programmer has full control over the text and the rules defining its behaviour.
Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web.
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Geomerative is a library for Processing. It extends 2D geometry operations to facilitate generative geometry. Includes a TrueType font and an SVG interpreters. This library exposes the shapes (such as vector drawings or typographies) in a more approchable way. Geomerative makes it easy to access the paths, the handles and the points, making it easy to develop generative typography and geometry pieces in Processing.
OpenVisuals aims to provide an Open Source Visualization Framework, in which the datasets can find their own visualizations, and visualizations already out there can be shared to be used with other datasets. Dataset owners and Visualization artists - datasets and visualizations - in the same pot.
Zeroshell is a small Linux distribution for servers and embedded devices aimed at providing the main network services a LAN requires. It is available in the form of Live CD or Compact Flash image and you can configure and administer it using your web browser
Bolinha. Using US military satellites for personal communication