Find the unicode character you're looking for just by drawing it.
300.000 oeuvres de musées de France. Le moteur de recherche est un peu con: "Picasso", il connaît pas. Mais "Pablo Picasso", ça oui.
Pour trouver le propriétaire d'un site à partir de son compte adsense + analytics
Reverse Google Analytics account lookup
Amazon 3 months search data was once realised to the public. "I Love Alaska" is the story of one of those "anonimized" user.
Recherche par mot-clef dans la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) et Registre du commerce belge
Wolfram|Alpha's long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. We aim to collect and curate all objective data; implement every known model, method, and algorithm; and make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything.
The 0xdb is a rather unique kind of movie database. It uses a variety of publicly accessible resources, like search engines and file-sharing networks, to automatically collect information about, and actual images and sounds from, a rapidly growing number of movies. What the 0xdb provides is, essentially, full text search within movies, and instant previews of search results.
TinEye is an image search engine. Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.